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4 Questions to Ask a Truck Repair Company

December 26, 2023

Do you own a fleet of trucks in the Detroit area? If so, you need to ensure your trucks can run efficiently and get from point A to point B, especially in the middle of a cold Detroit winter. When you need repairs and updates, you want a service you can trust. Here are some questions you should ask when it's time for Detroit Diesel truck repairs.

1. What Types of Repairs Can You Handle?

Your truck may be showing signs of wearing down, and you may not know what's wrong with it. It's helpful if you have a company that can run diagnostics. Maybe they could do brake repairs or improve your coolant level. In most cases, you should expect them to be able to repair your diesel engine if something goes wrong. Just be sure the company can provide repairs for your heavy-duty truck.

2. What Is the Turnaround Time?

If you're running a commercial fleet, you need to make your deliveries as soon as possible. You don't want any truck off the line for too long. Make sure the repair company can give you a good estimate of how long the job will take. Ideally, you want to make sure that the company you work with can make Detroit Diesel truck repairs as soon as possible.

3. Is There a Warranty?

A reputable truck repair company can stand on its work. A warranty will provide you with the assurance you need and, if any additional repairs need to be made to your truck, you won't be charged for the related workmanship within a specified timeframe.

4. What Is Your Pricing?

According to IBISWorld, the market size (measured by revenue) of the truck repair industry was $13.7 billion in 2023. You want to ensure that the repairs that need to be made to your vehicles are within your budget. You can ask for a written estimate, so you're aware of everything you're paying for. You can also ask if the shop is charging by the hour or per job.

When you're running a commercial operation, you need trucks you can rely on. You can't run the risk of letting repairs go unmanaged. For service you can trust, call Springfield Diesel for your Detroit Diesel truck repairs today.

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